
Protecting Your Lawn’s Sprinkler System

las vegas sprinkler repair

Modern sprinkler systems are quite durable and require little maintenance, and the most common problems are caused by lawnmowers, foot traffic and overgrown grass.

Protecting Your Lawn’s Sprinkler System

Lawn sprinklers are a great way to help ensure that your property looks its best year-round. Better yet, modern systems last a long time and require only light maintenance, which means the total cost of ownership is quite low. In fact, the most common types of sprinkler repair in Las Vegas are totally avoidable.

Employ Concrete Donuts or Similar Protections

If you’re worried about vehicles and foot traffic, sprinkler donuts are one solution. These donuts go by a number of different names but are essentially hard discs that sit over the sprinkler and protect it. They provide pass-through, so the sprinkler can pop up. If the circumference is wide enough, they can also eliminate the need to trim grass directly around the sprinkler.

Adapting Your Landscape as a Deterrent

Another option you have is to adapt your landscape so that sprinklers are less prone to interference. A circular flower bed, for instance, can deter vehicles and foot traffic while still providing plenty of clearance for the sprinkler to do its job.

Cut Grass Away

The most common problem not caused by vehicles and foot traffic is overgrown grass, which can impede pop-up sprinklers and introduce unnecessary wear. Trimming with a power tool is an option but can damage the sprinklers. An alternative is what’s called a gopher tool. It’s a fast and simple tool to cut grass away from a sprinkler, and it only has to be used once every month or so.

Prep for Freezes

While freezes aren’t common in the Las Vegas area, they could occur. They can be sudden and hard enough to bust a valve. Therefore, all homeowners should winterize their systems, and that’s often as simple as prepping the PVB, which stands for pressure vacuum breaker. Do this in the late autumn about the time you stop watering the lawn and you won’t have to worry about those sudden and unexpected freezes.

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