landscaping services Las Vegas NV

If you have pets, here are some ways to ensure that your lawn is hospitable, safe and attractive for them.

Pet-Friendly Landscaping

Pet companions can be inquisitive and playful, so it’s as important that your lawn is as safe for them as you make your home. You can achieve this by ensuring there’s nothing in your yard that could harm your cat or dog as well as protecting anything that they can easily destroy. There are several ways to keep your yard gorgeous while making it a great place for your pets to spend time.

Choose Non-Toxic Plants

If you have animals that spend a lot of time outside, the last thing that you want is for them to eat something you planted and become sick. There are more than a hundred plants that are toxic to dogs and cats, but there are also a huge variety of plants that are completely safe for your pets to eat. To be sure that you’re planting the right ones, contract professional landscaping services in Las Vegas NV to help you design a gorgeous, pet-friendly landscape.

Select Hardy Plants and Grass

There are few things more frustrating than caring for your grass and then having spots of it die when your dog relieves itself on your lawn. You can prevent this from happening by choosing grasses that are resistant to pet urine. Some of the most popular options are Perennial Rye Grass, Fescues and Buffalo Grass. You could also opt for artificial turf, which looks very natural and requires practically no maintenance.

Consider Hardscaping

If you’ve got pets that love to dig, you may want to consider having flagstones or pavers installed. Aside from the fact that these are basically impossible for pets to damage, they’re very attractive and can be better for entertaining than grass. Patios also will take care of any issues with pets urinating on your lawn and killing the grass.

Designate a Relief Area

While this won’t work with all dogs, you may be able to train your pooch to only go in one area of your yard. This will help keep your lawn from being damaged by dog urine, and it also keeps you from stepping in any surprises. If you have a male dog, installing a marking post will make him less tempted to mark other areas of your lawn.