
Buying a Home with a Built-In Irrigation System

las vegas irrigation repair

Sellers may not use an automatic sprinkler system as a selling point, but nevertheless, that system has very real positive and negative value potential for you.

Adopting a Residential Irrigation System

In some neighborhoods, automatic lawn sprinklers add significant value to a home. Often, however, sprinklers are just a feature that comes with the property, and there’s no attempt to use it as a selling point. Whether a seller factors a sprinkler system into his or her price, you shouldn’t let that influence how you approach the assessment of long-term value and cost.

The Pre-Purchase Home Inspection

Most home inspectors are building experts who know a lot about local residential codes but perhaps not a lot about lawn irrigation. Nevertheless, you should alert your inspector that the system is a concern for you. He or she will able to identify if the system is appropriately connected to the electrical and water systems. If your inspector cannot evaluate the control panel, sprinkler heads, underground lines, pressure in the various zones and so forth, then you should consider hiring an irrigation specialist as well. If the system requires repair or removal, this is a cost for you that detracts from the home.

The Irrigation System Inspection

Note that the most common Las Vegas irrigation repairs are avoidable through proactive inspections and preventive maintenance. A comprehensive inspection should cover the control panel equipment and software, connections to the home’s electrical and water systems, the sprinkler heads, the copper or PVC lines underground and the zones as well as the water pressure within each zone. This is also a good time to have the irrigation specialist teach how to control and winterize the system.

Repair and Upgrade as Necessary

An older or improperly maintained system may require replacement of worn parts, other repairs and perhaps even upgrades. Performing those measures now will help ensure minimal costs in the end. An advantage of having the inspection done pre-purchase is that you can have the seller cover the bill.

Winterizing and Seasonal Inspections

Winterizing is important even in an area like Las Vegas and is usually a simple process you can do yourself. Know your trees as well and understand the potential risks of root growth. Finally, a seasonal sprinkler inspection each spring before use can make a big difference in maintenance costs long-term.

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