
Tips for Landscaping in the Desert

desert landscaping Las Vegas

Even in desert climates you can have a yard filled with plants. It simply involves picking the right plants and knowing how to care for them.

Xeriscaping: Landscaping in the Desert

If you live in a desert-like area, you know it’s difficult to keep up a standard grassy lawn. Along with the heat, there’s also the fact that you can’t count on rain to keep plants or grass watered. However, you can still have a lovely and beautiful yard if you consider xeriscaping, which is desert landscaping in Las Vegas.

The term xeriscape is a combination of the Greek word xeros, which means dry, and landscape. In other words, it means dry landscaping. This type of landscaping involves picking plants that do well in areas where there’s little water and knowing how to care for them properly.

Know the Difference Between Drought-Tolerant and Drought-Resistant

One essential part of successful desert landscaping is knowing the difference between drought-tolerant plants and drought-resistant plants. While the terms are often used interchangeably, there is a difference. Plants that are drought-tolerant can thrive on minimal water, but plants that are drought-resistant can go for long stretches without water.

When selecting plants for your yard, it’s important to know the difference so you know exactly what your plants’ water needs will be. If you opt for some of both types of plants, it can be helpful to group them together so that plants that need more water get it and those that need less aren’t over-watered.

Consider Artificial Grass or No Grass

There are many kinds of grass that need less water to survive than others, such as Zoysia grass and Bermuda Grass. However, even the hardiest grass will still need regular watering. If you’re reluctant to invest the time, effort and water involved in maintaining a grass lawn, consider artificial grass. Artificial grass can be made to look real, and it requires practically no maintenance.

Alternatively, you could put down gravel or mulch. You can lay down either and outline your lawn with shrubs and plants that are drought-tolerant or drought-resistant so that you still have a lush and beautiful yard.

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