
Tips for Saving on Water Costs

Las Vegas homeowners and renters alike pay a premium for the right to use water in their homes. With your household using water for cooking, bathing, cleaning and even caring for your lawn, you may find your water bills climbing high every month even if the city sees quite a bit of rainfall. With a few simple water-saving tips, such as hiring a service for sprinkler repair in Las Vegas, you can cut back on your water usage and save money.

Install a Timer

Installing a timer is a great way to keep your family from using more water than is necessary for the task at hand. You can install a timer that limits them to just 5 or 10 minutes of hot water at a time, which will keep them from running the faucet while washing dishes or wasting time in the shower. Placing a small timer next to the sink can serve as a reminder for your family to turn off the water when brushing their teeth or while cleaning or washing up.

Pay for a Water Audit

Check with the water company about getting a professional audit done of the water usage in your home. If the water company does not offer this service, you can hire a contractor or a plumber to do it for you. An audit lets you know exactly where you have leaks in your home, if certain appliances use too much water and even if your sprinkler system wastes water. With plumbing repair service companies, homeowners can hire professionals to repair leaks and make other changes to help them stop wasting water.

Sign Up for Average Billing

Many water companies offer an average billing program that can help you avoid surprises on your water bills. The company adds up the total amount of water that you use annually and averages it over the year, sending you a bill each month that is approximately 1/12 of your total usage over the course of a year. You’ll pay the same amount each month. If you use more than the average, you’ll get one final bill at the start of the next calendar year.

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