
Create Award-winning Flower Beds in Las Vegas

Create Award-winning Flower Beds in Las Vegas

If you are anxious to create some new flower beds at your Las Vegas home, then there are some tips that you need to follow in order for them to look spectacular. Thankfully, growers have listened to homeowners, and there are more choices for flowers that grow well in our desert landscape than ever before. Therefore, planting award-winning flower beds is much easier than it was a decade ago. Consider these tips as you plan new flower beds.

Layer Up Beds

Just like when you are having a group picture made, you should put the taller plants in the back and the shorter ones in front. That is, unless you have an island bed, and then you should put the taller plants in the middle and surround them with shorter plants. Tall plants requiring very little water that do well in Las Vegas include fern leaf yarrows, brittlebush and hummingbird flower while shorter plants doing well in Las Vegas include blue flax, raspberry fuzzies and garden verbena.

Plant for Different Bloom Times

If you want to keep your flower beds looking sharp all year long, then consider including plants that bloom during different seasons along with plants that stay evergreen throughout most of the year. The space where a flower is not blooming gives the viewer’s eyes time to rest helping make flower colors really pop. Make sure to plant some flowers that will bloom in the winter like the winter rose, winter jasmine and snowdrops.

Group Colors Together

Flower beds in Las Vegas usually look best when colors are grouped together. In order to make colors stand out, consider the color wheel. Take the color of your favorite flower and surround it with flowers on either side of the color on the opposite side of the color wheel. For example, if you want to use desert marigold, then surround it with gayfeathers and lavender boothills. Try to repeat the same color scheme or a close variation in each of your flower beds.

Following these three simple design tips will allow you to create beautiful flower beds that do not require very much water. Desert landscaping in Las Vegas is simple when you have so many wonderful flower choices. We would love to talk to you about helping you design award-winning flower beds for your home or office.

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