
Easily Create a Las Vegas Paradise for Hummingbirds

Easily Create a Las Vegas Paradise for Hummingbirds

If you love watching hummingbirds play, then you may want to consider incorporating elements into your landscaping that will naturally attract them to your yard. Nine different species of hummingbirds have been spotted in Nevada with four different species regularly being seen in Las Vegas with two of them staying here year round. If you want to attract them to your yard, then provide them with focal points like plants for eating, trees for housing, and water features for bathing.

Plant Flowers

One of the easiest ways to attract hummingbirds to your yard is to plant pink, red or orange flowers as they naturally attract hummingbirds. These birds prefer long tubular-shaped flowers. Incorporate flowers that bloom throughout the year allowing hummingbirds to always find something to eat when they visit your yard. Trumpet vines, bottle brushes, honeysuckle, and geraniums can all be used. Try to use at least one flower that produces a seed head after it blooms as hummingbirds use them to build their nests.

Grow Trees

Hummingbirds need places to hide from the cold weather in the winter along with a place to build their nests in the spring. Consider eldarica pines, African sumacs or Carolina cherry trees as their very full shape provides the perfect hiding spot for hummingbirds. Most hummingbirds will build their nest between five and 15 feet from the ground.


Hummingbirds love shallow water with movement where they can take a bath, get a drink and play. Using a birdbath with a fan to move the water not only attracts hummingbirds but can make a fun focal point for your backyard landscaping.

Attracting hummingbirds to your desert landscaping in Las Vegas is a great way to show that you care about these vulnerable birds. Start by planting flowers that bloom throughout the year, provide trees for shelters and make sure that they have access to water.

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