
Enhance Your Outdoor Living Space With Vines

Use Vines to Enhance Your Outdoor Living Space

Adding vertical height is a great way to separate your outdoor dining space from the rest of your desert landscaping. When choosing plants, however, think about those that will handle the heat well along with those that can handle little water. Depending on their location, plants can lower the temperature in your outside dining area by up to 10 degrees. There are many choices that will work, so decide on the ones that fit your look the best.

What Are the Main Types of Vines?

There are four main types of vines that will grow in Las Vegas. Trellis vines will wrap themselves around any surface. Tendril-climbing vines use threadlike stems or leaves to climb up almost any surface. Self-climbing vines send out tiny roots at their joints to climb up almost anything. Non-climbing shrub vines have long branches that wrap around many different things.

What Are Some Evergreen Vines That Grow Well in Las Vegas?

There are several evergreen vines that handle the Las Vegas climate well. Creeping fig self-climbing vines stay evergreen all year long, although they need to be heavily pruned at least once a year. Another choice is crossvine, which produces beautiful reddish-purple leaves in the fall. Silver lace vines have distinctive, fragrant, white blooms, making them an unusual choice that may look great in some outdoor living areas.

What Are Some Flowering Shrubs That Grow Well in Las Vegas?

There are many flowering shrubs that add a colorful splash to outdoor living spaces. Depending on the variety chosen, wisteria can grow up to 65 feet tall and 10 feet wide. It uses its stem to wrap around almost any surface while producing purple, pink, or white drooping, fragrant clusters. Another choice is the trumpet vine with its unique orange, salmon, or yellow flowers.

There are many ways that vines can be used in desert landscaping in Las Vegas. Find out how they can transform your property into a lush paradise.

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