Hot Trends for 2018 in Backyard Landscaping

One of the hottest trends in backyard landscaping for 2018 is the use of planters. These containers can be used in a variety of different ways. Planning the types of planters you want to incorporate into your outdoor living space is a great way to look forward to the warmer days that will soon be here.

Architectural Planters

Using simple geometric planters are a great way to create living spaces in your backyard landscaping. Their simplistic design lets the plants steal the show. Smaller planters can be used to outline paths throughout the landscape. More industrial planters made of concrete, cement, bronze or another industrial material are often used to create a contrast with the organic nature of plants. One of the hottest trends for 2018 is using plants in the same color family in a pot. Then, different colored pots are used in each separate living area helping to define the space. These


Another hot trend for 2018 is the use of trellises to showcase exotic flowers and plants by growing up a climbing surface all the way behind them. There are several plants growing well on trellises in Las Vegas. Make sure to think about those having a similar color or texture to those in the plant that you want to showcase. Another option is to use a long-blooming trellis plant that blooms in a color that is the exact opposite of the color of the showcase flower or plant on the color wheel.

Gondolas, Arbors and Pergolas

More Las Vegas homeowners with small backyards are adding a structure to their environment. These structures often make backyards seem bigger because they add the illusion of additional space and add length to short backyards. Creating focal points in corners makes these spaces seem bigger.

It will soon be time to turn our attention to outdoor living as the weather begins to warm up again. Meanwhile, take advantage of the cooler days to plan how you want to enhance your space for 2018. When you are ready to start working on your Las Vegas backyard landscaping ideas, make sure to call us.