Consider Edibles in Your Fall Landscaping Design

One of the hottest trends in landscaping right now is to use more edibles in a yard. Whether you choose to create a garden in your backyard or use these plants front and center in your landscaping is up to you. Fall is a great time in Las Vegas to grow a garden as the hot summer temperatures begin to cool down, and a local professional can help with your landscape design in Las Vegas.

Harvest Beets

The brightly colored stems and large dark green leaves make the perfect addition to many landscapes, especially if your summer colors are starting to fade. Since most beets require 50 to 70 days to mature, you should plant them before September 16 to make sure you can harvest beets before a hard freeze hits.


The green heads of broccoli add an interesting texture to landscaping. Generally, seeds should be placed in the ground about 100 days before the first frost of the year. If you are afraid that you have missed the date, then think about planting them in containers so they can be brought inside. These plants love water, so make sure to water them regularly. They also adore rich soil, so incorporate some organic compost when planting.


Most years, you can sow carrots directly into the ground in Las Vegas as late as Halloween and still get a bountiful crop; these plants love cooler weather. Think about starting mid-September and plant about every three weeks to make sure you can harvest carrots clear up to the holidays. These plants, with bright green tops, love sandy soil and sun, but they will tolerate partial shade.


Spinach is another beautiful crop to add color to your fall landscaping and also providing food for your table. Spinach can usually be planted in Las Vegas until Halloween. Harvest the outer leaves, and the center leaves will continue to grow until a hard frost finally kills them. This plant also does extremely well in containers.

By adding these edibles to your landscaping, you can collect a bountiful harvest in no time.