Las Vegas Homeowners Can Grow Cut Flowers at Home

If you love the look and fragrance of cut flowers in your home, but you hate the expense of buying them at the florist, then consider growing a cut flower garden. There are several varieties that make a wonderful addition to your desert landscaping including sunflowers, gladioli, ageratums, sweet peas and many others. If you want to incorporate a cut flower garden into your landscaping in Las Vegas, then here are some tips to keep in mind.

Starting Seeds

Most flowers can easily be grown from seeds. Check on the individual packet to see how far ahead of the last frost you should start the seeds. The last frost date in Las Vegas, according to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, is February 15.

Planting Your Cut Flower Garden

While you can spread your cut flowers across your landscaping, most people choose to grow them in one location. Many find it easier to plant their cut flowers in rows as it makes weeding and watering them easier. You will need to consider each plant’s requirements carefully. Generally, cut flowers do best in full sun, pH balanced soil and plenty of water. Most cut flowers love soil where organic matter, such as compost, has been worked into the dirt. Stagger your plantings so that you always have something in bloom.

Cutting Flowers for Your Home

While there are a few exceptions, you should cut most flowers regularly. This encourages them to have more blooms. The best time to cut them is in the early morning before the heat of the day arrives. Try to cut stems with buds on them as the buds will open after you bring the flowers indoors. Always sterilize your cutting instruments before using them to prevent the spread of disease from one flower to the next. Place the cutting in a bucket of lukewarm water immediately. Then, when you get back inside, cut the stem again at an angle as this allows the stem to drink more water.

A cut flower garden is a great way to add interest to your desert landscaping in Las Vegas. You can also save money on buying flowers to decorate your home.