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How Landscape Contractors in Las Vegas Add Xeriscaping to Your Yard

Over the past couple of years, Xeriscaping has become more and more popular amongst homeowners. The world Xeriscaping can be broken into parts to learn the meaning of it. Xero means dry in Latin, with scaping, of course, meaning landscaping. The trend of Xeriscaping was first implemented around the 80s as cities within the Western part of the United States began to experience severe droughts, thus making it quite difficult to plant traditional plants. Although the technique was used to conserve water, it quickly grew to involve seven principles. The following includes further information on those seven principles and landscape contractors in Las Vegas can apply to them your own yard.

7. Landscape Contractors in Las Vegas and Watering

When landscape contractors in Las Vegas are helping homeowners implement the seven principles, the first one they will work on is water conservation. Because water conservation was the main reason for the creation of Xeriscaping, it is critical that you begin with this step first. So, how can you go about conserving water? The best route you can take is to conduct some simple research. For example, you may either look online for drought-resistant plants or visit local nurseries to ask questions and see the techniques they are using. You can then use that information to create a top-view of your yard and see how water can be efficiently distributed.

6. Soil Improvement

The next principle includes the improvement of the soil within your yard. Desert landscaping in Las Vegas requires you to get creative as regular soil techniques are simply not going to store enough water to feed your plants or drain them in time to protect them from overwatering. This can be accomplished through the use of organic materials. It may be difficult to find the right balance with Vegas landscaping, and thus many homeowners will utilize home test kits to figure out the current PH levels of the soil.

5. Keeping Covered Turf Area in Mind

In order to achieve a proper xeriscape garden, you must also keep in mind the amount of area covered in turf. Although it is highly recommended to reduce the area covered in turf as much as possible, some should still remain as a means of having some open space. If you are in the process of adding turf onto your yard, adding a type of turf that doesn’t require too much water is recommended as it helps to prevent water runoff and erosion.

4. Utilize Native Plants

When tackling a project such as a xeriscape garden, it is important to choose plants that are native to your area. This is done to ensure that they are within a climate where they can grow properly, thus reducing your overall maintenance costs. Another thing to keep in mind when creating this type of garden is to choose plants that do not require too much water to keep them alive. Keep in mind that you can also use trees to provide shades to certain plants, which then will limit the amount of evaporation that occurs.

3. Obtaining the Right Mulch

Another principle of a xeriscape garden is the mulch that will lay above your soil. This can include material such as pine needles, compost, and wooden chips, to name a few. Mulch is critical to your garden because it protects the soil from a number of dangers such as soil erosion and weeds. It must be noted that you should be careful using organic mulch as it will eventually mix with your soil, which will eventually lead to you having to add an extra layer.

2. Irrigation

The type of irrigation you use within your garden can make the difference between a true xeriscape garden and a regular garden. This is because your make goal is to conserve as much water as possible while keeping your garden alive and prospering. Fortunately, there are two types of irrigation systems that can accomplish that. These include drip and soaker hose irrigation systems. These two irrigation systems will send water directly to the soil of your garden rather than attempting to flood it from the top. This means more water remains within the soil and not in the air evaporation.

1. The Maintenance Required

One of the biggest reasons why homeowners choose to implement a xeriscape garden into their home is because it requires such little maintenance to keep it looking good. However, that does not mean there is no maintenance that is required. For example, you may notice that weeds are still going to attempt to pop in from time to time. This means taking the time to remove them and maybe even adding an extra layer of mulch to keep them at bay. It is also recommended to avoid turf from being too short as it can prevent water from being properly retained.