Vegas landscaping

Best Perennials for Vegas Landscaping

Ensuring you get the most appropriate climate-friendly perennials is an essential part of gardening because it gives you an easy time in your gardening journey, and your plants grow and flourish without complications or difficulties. While the choice of plants impacts gardening, the time you spend tending to the plants you work with; is why it is essential to get it right and ensure you have what is suitable for your Vegas landscaping.

When choosing the right plants in Vegas, it is more than just getting the good-looking types but concentrates more on the kind of soil and climatic conditions available to support the plant growth. So, are you looking for the best perennials to grow in Vegas? The following is information on the best plants to consider expanding.

1. Cacti and Succulents

Both succulents and cacti are hardy, drought-resistant plants that thrive and do well in warmer climates. The Las Vegas landscape is mostly dry and harsh, and because cacti and succulents do not require much water to grow, they are considered suitable and grow well. In addition, succulents have been known for being water-packed due to their capability to store water which they survive on over time, so they do not require much watering.

Desert cacti and succulents can grow and create a magnificent view in your home because of their excellent appearance. The flowering varieties that cacti and succulents provide themselves offer a beautiful appearance to the Vegas landscape. The common types most found in Las Vegas include:

• Golden barrel cactus
• Columnar cactus
• Hedgehog cactus
• Agave
• Fishhook barrel cactus

2. Palms for Vegas Landscaping

An iconic representation in Vegas is palm trees, and they mainly inhabit the deserts, filing up the densely populated areas. Palm trees are known to grow up to 70 feet in height, with the tallest species being the Quindio wax palm, known to grow up to 200 feet high. The first credits go to the Franciscan missionaries as the first people to plant palm trees in California for ornamental purposes. Depending on the species of palm trees that grow, some can last up to a century.

Today, palm trees are used in landscaping and are considered among the best and often most cultivated plant families, with many common foods and products derived from them. They are economically important plants, and examples include:
• Pygmy date palm
• Sago palm
• Windmill palm
• Queen’s palm

3. Drought Resistors

Drought resistors are an essential addition to the plants that thrive in the Las Vegas landscape, and many of them are usually colorful and unusual. Some drought resistors have tiny leaves that aid in water loss reduction through the stomata and can typically survive without needing much watering. They are hugely beneficial in semi-arid areas and share a mechanism called crassulacean acid metabolism, which sees them through survival despite not being watered frequently.

Drought resistors survive harsh conditions by deeply dispersing their roots into the soil that is not as desiccated as the soil found on the earth’s surface. For example, drought-resistant plants might include:
• Purple rock rose
• Butterfly bush
• Ozark sundrops

4. Annuals

Annual flowers are known to steadily grow through a single season, where they flower one time and finally wither off. Therefore, their short lifespan is not an issue and is considered a hardy addition to some plants that survive in the Vegas landscaping conditions. Annual plants can grow through the spring, fall, and winter months, with their growth in winter conditions being relatively mild.

Annuals are easy to grow and come in brightly colored flowers, and if well taken care of, they can bloom and thrive nonstop from the planting season to frost. To keep annual plants blooming, many of them require deadheading and some of them include:

• African daisy
• Million bells
• Marigolds
• Bougainvillea
• Snapdragons

5. Perennials

Perennial plants survive for more than two years, most herbaceous. Perennial plants being herbaceous means they can die back and go to the ground in autumn but usually grow back and bloom in spring. The lifespan of perennial plants dramatically varies depending on the type of plant. Some perennial species like the lupines have a lifespan of up to four years, while others may survive up to fifteen years, with others like the peonies growing throughout their lifespan.

Las Vegas landscape steadily promotes the growth of perennials for most of the year and is an excellent investment to obtain the most out of our gardening budget. The flowering season for perennial plants lasts for some weeks. Amazingly, they avail themselves in different colors, sizes, and textures for you to choose from. Examples of perennial plants include:

• Black-eyed Susan
• Birds of paradise
• Peonies
• Euryops
• Dahlias

6. Coneflowers

They are perennial plants that present themselves in long stems with purple flowers. Are you in need of gorgeous landscaping flowers? Coneflowers might be the perfect option for you because of the beautiful sprouts they make. They can grow up to a length of four feet, serving you exterior visual interests. The purple coneflower is a native perennial and a garden classic blooms mid-summer. Considered perennials because of their resistance to drought and heat, they bloom quickly and easily grow.

Coneflowers are also deer resistant because of the strong aroma they produce and spiny centers that keep off the deer. The landscaper Las Vegas climate comfortably encourages the growth of the purple coneflower. Examples include:

• E. paradox
• E. pallida
• E. tennesseensis

Perennial plants in Las Vegas have adverse benefits because of the climate. Because they do not need to grow or be planted every year, soil damage is minimized, and their robust root systems help to hold the soil together. Some of the benefits include:

• They are less tedious because they do not need annual cultivation
• Perennials reduce the need to have pesticides and herbicides for them to flourish and bloom
• They make good use of the annual rainfall and give exceptional results
• Soil erosion and soil damage is reduced because they do not require frequent cultivation
• Perennials are easy to grow and often require a small amount of water or rainfall to do better because of some of their in-built abilities to survive
• They are of economic value to the farmers, and their root systems help to trap rainwater found deep in the ground
• They are less time-consuming

When you choose the above plants, you can be sure they will thrive in your Vegas landscaping.