
Vegas Landscape: Protecting Your Hardscaping From UV Rays

vegas landscapeDoes Your Hardscaping Need UV Protection? Ways to Protect Your Vegas Landscape

A hardscape is one of the best ways to improve the functionality of your outdoor areas. Most people often confuse hardscaping with landscaping; however, hardscaping is an aspect of landscaping. A hardscape is basically a structure built from wood, concrete, or other materials to provide shade to your outdoor areas. Being an exterior component of your house, these structures are susceptible to damage from the sun and other elements. This article is focused on how to protect your hardscaping from harmful UV light to preserve your Vegas landscape.

What Is Hardscaping?

A hardscape is a man-made structure integrated with your landscape design. These structures are made from materials such as brick, pavers, wood, stone, or gravel. You can also say that a hardscape is any solid structure in your outdoor space that is not plant life. Examples of hardscapes include walkways, patios, fountains, fire pits, and driveways.

Protecting Your Hardscaping and Vegas Landscape From UV Light

During the warm months, most people spend a lot of time outdoors to cool. However, this can be difficult due to the summer sun that comes with blistering UV rays and tropical humidity. A hardscape is one of the best ways to enjoy the outdoors without having to deal with the scorching sun. However, these structures are also susceptible to damage from too much exposure. Below are a few steps you can take to protect your hardscaping.

Plant a Tree

Trees are arguably the most effective way of casting a shade on your hardscaping. The best part is that they are able to absorb most of the sun’s intensity before it reaches your structure. Despite the benefits of planting trees, this should be considered a long-term project. You can as well plant fast-growing trees and bushes to provide a layer of protection. However, it’s best to consult with a Las Vegas landscaper on the best plants to include in your landscaping.

This way, you can choose trees and vegetation that thrive in your climate region, especially for people living in Las Vegas. It would be best if you avoided plants with aggressive root systems that could end up destroying your hardscaping or your home’s foundation.

Paint Protection

Applying paint is a good way of boosting your hardscaping’s aesthetics while providing a protective layer. The best part is that you can find UV-resistant paint at the local home improvement store. This paint can be used on hardscaping surfaces and furniture to provide protection throughout summer. UV protection paint comes in various colors; this means you don’t have to sacrifice aesthetics to achieve functionality.

However, before applying paint, be sure to clean the surfaces properly to ensure the paint adheres properly. You should also remember to lay custom tarps for the painting project; this way, you can keep paint off your drainage system.

Add a Seal

After applying a layer of UV protection coat, it is advisable to provide an extra layer of protection with a layer of water-resistant sealants. This extra layer of coat helps prevent the paint from peeling off. You can find various sealants that allow you to customize your hardscaping with a glossy or matte finish. Most sealants are also waterproof, meaning you don’t have to worry about the rain during summer storms.

Spray It

UV resistant sprays work similarly to sunroof paints. You can spray your hardscaping, furniture, and even fabric to provide protection from the scorching sun and harmful UV rays. Sunproof sprays are made using powerful chemicals and are harmful when inhaled. To ensure your safety and that of your household, you should consider getting landscape contractors. You also ensure every surface is properly sprayed for every inch to get protection.

Use Canopy Coverage

It makes more sense to increase the protection for hardscaping with more square footage. To ensure maximum protection from heat and UV light, you should consider installing canopies. Canopies are not your typical DIY projects; you should consider getting the services of a Las Vegas NV landscaper to get it properly installed. A well-constructed canopy can help keep your hardscaping in perfect condition for a long time.

Canopy coverage has the ability to cover the entire patio or deck from floor to furniture, making it an ideal choice for someone looking for maximum protection. The best part is that a canopy comes with covers that help keep it in good condition; this way, you can maintain peace of mind even when away.

Install Built-in Sun Blockers

Another way of protecting your hardscaping is by constructing permanent structures to block sun rays. Here are a few structures you should consider.

Pergolas and trellises- overhead trellis and pergolas are an excellent way of protecting your hardscaping from UV rays. These structures offer protection from direct sunlight by casting a shade on your hardscape. They are also a good addition to your Vegas landscape without interfering with airflow or giving you a feeling of being inside a building.

Curtain and shade awnings- Aside from trellises and pergolas, you can add shade awning. These additions can be used to provide shade and some degree of privacy. You can choose to install manual or automated curtains or awnings of different styles and textures; take into account your budget, taste, and overall exterior décor.

Umbrellas- these are an excellent way to provide sun protection and cast a shade on your hardscaping. Unlike permanent options, umbrellas don’t offer a constant relief from UV rays but cost way less to install. You can use a wide umbrella to provide shade to your furniture, deck, or patio. However, you should consider getting a version made from UV-resistant materials. With these umbrellas, you prevent the UV rays from causing damage to your hardscaping while maintaining the color in your furniture and fabrics.

Perform Regular Maintenance

Another way of protecting your hardscape is by carrying out regular maintenance. Just like the rest of your home, take some time to repair damaged sections to prolong the lifespan of your hardscape. One of the best ways to go about this is through power washing.

Power washing- your hardscaping requires regular power cleaning, painting, and sealing to protect it from UV rays as well as other weather extremities. Most people power their hardscaping at least once a year; however, when you live in regions with high sun exposure and humidity like Las Vegas, you should consider revising your power cleaning schedule.

Utilize Proper Storage

At times, the best way to protect the hardscaping in your Vegas landscape is by safely storing your deck or patio furniture. Take advantage of the extra storage at home to keep your furniture and other components during sunny days; this way, you can protect them and prevent damage from UV rays. This may not be an all-time solution but can help keep your property safe when you are out on an errand or away on vacation.

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