
Consider These Annual Plants for Beautifying Your Vegas Landscape

vegas landscapeImprove Your Las Vegas Landscape by Incorporating a Few Annuals

When contemplating how to create or upgrade a Las Vegas landscape, many opt for annuals that offer many benefits. Annuals are inexpensive to start from seeds or seedlings. They come in a variety of species that offer different colors while growing to different heights. Each season, the plants germinate, grow quickly and reseed themselves, which makes them more efficient. You need not be a professional Las Vegas landscaper to start the project. Merely plant the desired selections, water as directed, sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

The Otherworldly Celosia

Celosia varieties include the cockscomb, the plumed and the wheat, which refers to the type of bloom produced. Regardless of looking like coral, flames or the heads on wheat, the flowers have a somewhat velvety appearance, which led to the nickname “woolflower.” Celosias require well-draining soil with approximately one inch of water weekly. Otherwise, they love direct sunlight. Along with being hardy, they also tend to resist pests. The plants grow to heights of about 16 inches while producing blooms that range in color from yellow, gold and orange to coral, red and purple.

The Elegant Iris

The easily recognizable iris has a central stalk off which multiple orchid-like blooms appear. There are more than 300 species of the Iris exist ranging from dwarf versions that grow six to 12 inches in height to more exotic plants that attain heights of up to four feet. Depending on the species, blooms may have softly curved or curly-edged leaves that come in a rainbow of solid or multiple colors. Irises are drought resistant and need well-draining soil that contains some type of mulch or compost. At the end of the growing season, the mother plant may produce bulbs or rhizomes for the next year. Once blooms die and the leaves are yellow, bulbs should be removed for planting the following year. Rhizome-producing mother plants die. But the offshoots grow the following season in a Vegas landscape. In time, rhizomes may need thinning to prevent overcrowding.

The Colorful Lantana

Lantana belongs to the verbena family and comes in more than 100 species. But, the Lantana camara is the most popular among home gardeners. Horticulturists may also know the plant as the Spanish flag, which loves hot, dry weather that tolerates sandy soil. Landscape contractors Las Vegas NV report that the plant grows up to four feet in height and may spread to three feet in width during each season. The flowers grow in clusters that may be solid or multicolored in choices that include coral, red, orange, peach, purple, red and yellow.

Ever-Popular Marigolds

Yard gardening enthusiasts adore the yellow, gold and orange flowered plants for their ease of growing. Whether started as seeds or seedlings, the plants are ideal for borders, flower beds, hanging baskets or planters. The common flowering plants offer gardeners a variety of benefits and use. Along with attracting common pollinating insects, the blooms also attract butterflies, hoverflies, ladybugs, lacewings and other predatory insects that help eliminate aphids and other pest species that often damage plants. The edible marigold flowers have been successfully used as food coloring or to dye fabrics. The colorful petals are also often incorporated into homemade soaps. Although the flowers die after the growing season, the plants produce seeds for next year’s crop.

The Sun-Loving Morning Glory

The popular climbing plant grows from six to 10 feet in height and three to six feet in width, which makes it easily capable of filling a trellis. Various species produce trumpet-like flowers in single or variegated colors of blue, pink, purple and white. Although the plants love direct sunlight to produce blooms, the soil must drain well but be kept moist using mulch. Morning glory plants also need monthly doses of nitrogen fertilizer.

Nasturtiums for Vegas Landscape

The variety of colorful petunia-like flowers combines with lotus-like leaves to make nasturtium plants popular to use as ground cover. Create a natural, colorful climbing display by providing some type of trellis or other support. Nasturtiums prefer poor but well-draining soil and direct sunlight. Providing one inch of water weekly is all the plants require to thrive. Along with producing orange, pink, red, yellow or white blooms, some varieties have variegated leaves. The plants add a nutritional boost to diets, as the edible flowers have a slightly peppery taste while providing vitamins A and C plus complex B vitamins, iodine and iron.

The Common Little Portulaca

More than 100 species of the plant exist, which is also commonly referred to as the moss rose. The versatile portulaca may be grown in beds, borders or planters. They reach a height of approximately eight inches and spread as the plant matures. Blooms are one to three inches in diameter and come in a wide array of single or variegated colors. Some types feature flowers having five petals while others produce double blooms that appear as miniature roses. Available in seeds or as seedlings, the plants are great for landscaping Las Vegas thanks to their love of the sun along with sandy or rocky soil. But the chosen environment must drain well. Although the plants die at the end of the season, they reseed themselves for the next year if the blooms are not immediately pruned.

The Edible Sunflower

The sunflower bloom is often equated with a large daisy-like flower. However, species are also available that produce brown, maroon, orange or red flowers. Sunflowers have single or multiple stems that grow recognizable heads. A variety of species also differ in height ranging from 12 inches to 18 feet. Yet, all develop ripened centers that become heavy with edible seeds. While young, sunflowers display heliotropic behavior, which means the flower follows the path of the sun throughout the day. Once the sun sets, the blooms return to an eastward position in preparation for a new day. Sunflowers love direct sunlight but must have soil that drains well. Vegas landscape requirements also include nutrient-dense mulch or periodic fertilizing.

The Fast-Growing Zinnia

The popular plants grow quickly and produce single, semi-double or double petal blooms. The latter of which might be mistaken for a giant marigold. As the flowers grow from a single stalk, zinnias remain the plant of choice for cutting. The variety of available species includes dwarf versions that are good for borders or common tall types that serve as a colorful background in beds. Zinnia seed packets often produce blooms in many different colors, which readily attract bees and butterflies. The plants are not particular concerning soil requirements as long as the substrate drains well. There must also be sufficient air circulation around the plants to prevent foliage mildew.

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