4 Ideas for Enhancing Winter Landscaping
While daytime averages are still reaching into the low 60s during November and December in Las Vegas, it is a great time to think about your winter landscaping. There are several things that you can do to increase interest in your winter landscaping. While some will take advance planning, others you can enjoy this winter.
Plant Ornamental Trees
Ornamental trees are beautiful throughout the year. While many lose their leaves when cold weather arrives, they can be interesting because of their unique bark. African sumac trees have a very unique shape, and their bark starts out a light gray, but it grows darker and more rugged looking with age. Another choice that you might want to consider is the monk’s pepper that is capable of reaching up to 25 feet wide and has extremely rugged bark.
Situate Berry Bushes
Another great choice for winter landscaping is to plant bushes with long-lasting berries. One interesting choice is the green hawthorne, often called the winter king, that produces tons of red berries after its leaves drop in the fall. Another interesting choice is the strawberry tree that produces red urn-shaped flowers along with red berries among its evergreen leaves. These two examples are also great at attracting wildlife to your yard.
Install New Hardscaping
Winter can be the perfect time for accessing your lawn’s hardscape. Think about where you want the focal points to be located. You may want to consider moving a garden statue or a birdbath during the winter when you will not harm vegetation. On the other time, winter can be the perfect time to add an arbor or a trellis in order to prepare for spring planting season.
Use Your Summertime Containers
Winter can be the perfect time to get creative with your summertime containers. Consider planting miniature evergreen trees in them allowing you to decorate them for the holidays. You may also want to play with placing different colors of evergreen plants in the same container.
Following these four tips is a great way to take your winter landscaping from dull and dreary to lively and exciting. Use these ideas and your own ingenuity to add visual interest to your landscaping before the colder days arrive. Contact us about your landscape design in Las Vegas today for individualized suggestions.