las vegas landscapers

7 Front Walkway Suggestions to Enhance Your Las Vegas Landscaping

Front walkways can add curb appeal to your Las Vegas landscaping while remaining a practical way to stop people from walking on your grass. Choosing the right design helps you enhance the architectural style of your home.


Using bricks to create a front walkway is a traditional option that never goes out of style. You can opt for a straight brick walkway ending with stairs into your home gradually getting smaller. Keep in mind that you can lay the bricks diagonally or straight. Alternatively, think about a curvy brick walkway that makes people want to follow it to see where it ends. In either case, consider adding a border of colored bricks to give the walkway a more finished appearance.

Lining the walkway with formal gardens is a terrific option to enhance your home’s stately appearance. You may also want to add some old-fashioned lampposts along the walkway.


If your style is more rustic, consider a gravel walkway. You can choose to dig a trench and add gravel. Before you do, now that it will require you to pull the weeds and rake it monthlyor hire a Las Vegas landscaping company to do it. You will also need to fill in with buckets of gravel over time. These walkways are ideal if the front walkway is relatively flat, but the gravel may wash away if there is a steep slope to your property. In that case, you should use gravel pavers instead.

It is easy to enhance the look of a gravel walkway. Consider adding a natural garden on both sides using plants and flowers that grow naturally in a desert environment, like bottlebrush and Dorr’s sage. You may also want to consider a xeriscape garden with beautiful cacti. Adding a picket fence and some lantern lighting is a perfect way to enhance the rustic vibe of your front landscape in Las Vegas even more.


You can easily add a modern vibe to your front walkway with pavers. Smooth slabs provide an ultra-clean look. You can stick to one color or use contrasting ones, and you can use pre-poured concrete steps if you need them.

Alternatively, you can use longer and thinner concrete pavers. As with bigger slabs, you can choose one color or contrasting colors. These pavers are gorgeous when put in at different angles to create a unique look.

Keep the modern vibe going by using raised flowerbeds with very clean lines. Using options with built-in lighting will keep the clean look going. Remember to keep everything in proportion, so the front does not overpower your home’s size.

Cape Cod

Stepping stones are an ideal option for Cape Cod landscaping in Las Vegas. Consider irregular-shaped options to give your front walkway a more natural appearance. Depending on the property, you can choose small ones, or if you have the space, larger ones are ideal. Leave room between the stones for some grass to grow to enhance their natural appearance even more.

A short picket fence painted white with a gate is an ideal way to enhance the Cape Cod look. You can use hydrangeas to line both sides of the walkway. Alternatively, line the walkway with beautiful tea roses and place a climbing rose near your home’s entrance.


A slate walkway is a perfect addition to a colonial-style home. If your front yard is subject to erosion, you will want to put down a pea gravel base and add the slate on top so that your pieces do not sink. You can use big square pieces or install slate pavers. Whichever choice you decide, consider adding steel trimming to the edges to help hold the walkway in place.

You may want to plant a beautiful herb garden on either side of the walkway. Adding one will help define the space. During America’s early days, lavender, dill and chives were often grown to enhance food flavor. A rail fence is ideal, but you could also go with a picket fence. Think about adding a vine-covered arbor at the start of the walkway.


A wooden plank walkway is a beautiful addition to a Victorian-style home. You may want to cover the entire walkway with a vine-covered pergola. Gardeners in Victorian times divided their gardens into different rooms. You may want to build a winding walkway and use different plants to mimic their gardens.

The difference between an English home and a Victorian home is that the Victorian garden was very formal. Therefore, you will want to work with a landscaper in Las Vegas to create a formal design incorporating lilacs, wisteria and geraniums.


If you love a contemporary look, consider a curved wooden walkway made from thin wooden panels, like two-by-fours turned on their sides. You can stain them various shades of brown to highlight the beautiful browns found in other places in your landscaping. Unlike modern, where everything is linear, consider adding a few curves to your walkway. If your yard is sandy, you can elevate the walkway a few inches, so you do not have to walk in the sand.

Then, add some concrete planters along the edge of the walkway. Consider growing mosses in them, but any plant you can keep uniform in shape will be a terrific choice because you want all your planters to look the same. Then, finish the walkway area by adding a low solar light between each planter.

Work With a Las Vegas Landscaping Company to Personalize the Plan

In order to use a walkway to add curb appeal to your home, consider one of these ideas. Then, work with a Las Vegas landscaping company to personalize the plan to your space.