Landscaping & Water Smart Services in Las Vegas

Explore Wet-Tec, Las Vegas’ leading provider of specialized landscaping, sprinkler repair, and Water Smart services. With over 30 years of industry expertise, we are committed to creating sustainable and visually appealing outdoor environments for both residential and commercial clients. Our team emphasizes quality, innovation, and efficiency in every project we handle.

Complete Landscaping Services

At Wet-Tec, we recognize the significance of a meticulously maintained landscape. Our extensive range of landscaping services is tailored to cover all your needs, from the initial design phase to regular maintenance. Whether you’re seeking to rejuvenate your garden, add new elements, or completely redesign your outdoor area, our expert team is equipped to realize your vision with precision and dedication.

Water Smart Solutions

As a certified participant in the Southern Nevada Water Authority’s Water Smart Contractors program, Wet-Tec proudly leads in water conservation initiatives. Our Water Smart services are designed to optimize water use in your landscaping, incorporating advanced technologies and sustainable methods to significantly cut water consumption. These practices not only support environmental stewardship but also provide economic advantages through water savings and and available rebates.

Why Opt for Wet-Tec?

  • Decades of Expertise: More than 30 years in landscaping and irrigation solutions.
  • Commitment to Quality: We strive for excellence and complete customer satisfaction.
  • Sustainable Practices: Dedicated to reducing water usage with our Water Smart initiatives.
  • Licenses and Insurance: Offering peace of mind with fully licensed and insured services.

If you need professional landscaping, sprinkler repair, or are interested in our Water Smart solutions, please contact us. At Wet-Tec, we’re prepared to help you enhance your landscape’s beauty, functionality, and sustainability.

Call us at (702) 252-3151 today to arrange a consultation and begin your journey to a more water-efficient and stunning landscape