sprinkler repair- sprinklers watering a lawn according to an irrigation schedule

Should Your Irrigation Schedule Change With the Season?

As the seasons change, your watering frequency may also have to as well. According to the experts in sprinkler repair in Las Vegas, revisiting how often and how much you water is the key to creating a perfect watering system that allows you to keep your yard looking fresh and beautiful with each passing season. Here are some helpful tips for deciding if your irrigation schedule should change with the season.

Seasonal Irrigation Schedule

When the seasons change, so should watering schedules. Cooler temperatures in the spring that lead into summer require more water output to get plants and flowers blooming. Alternatively, fall is the time to scale back your watering schedule by reducing the total amount of days by one. In the winter, watering should cease until spring.


Your location is going to determine whether you’ll be watering for more or less of the fall season. Winter arrives earlier in some parts of the country than others, so you should plan your schedule accordingly. By making seasonal adjustments, you’ll give your lawn the maximum benefits of a consistent, yet flexible, schedule that changes with each season.


Climate is a significant factor to consider as it impacts how often you should water your yard. Hotter, drier climates require more water usage to keep grass and plants growing in addition to having extended fall and winter seasons that require watering through most of the year. Colder climates have shortened watering seasons that typically end at the beginning of winter, eliminating the need for a watering schedule during that time.

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