3 Easy-to-Keep Landscaping New Year’s Resolutions for 2019

While you may already be guilty of breaking the New Year’s resolutions that you made on January 1, 2019, there are some landscaping resolutions that you will not want to break throughout the coming year. Then, when December rolls around again, you can smile boldly and say that you kept your New Year’s resolutions all year long.

Plant More Flowers That Use Less Water

Planting more flowers that take less water is a great way to help conserve this precious natural resource. There are many different choices that do great in Las Vegas. You may want to plant a rock garden this year as these usually take less water to maintain. On the other hand, there are many flowers that do great in containers with very little water.

Relax and Enjoy Your Landscaping

Many people spend the majority of their time outside worrying about completing their landscaping to-do list. Instead of spending every second worrying, resolve this year to relax and enjoy your landscaping. One way that you can do that is to install an irrigation system to take care of your routine watering. Additionally, make sure to plan a beautiful area complete with vines, shade trees and beautiful flowers where you can relax.

Stay on Top of Weeds

One of the hardest things in caring for your yard is to stay on top of weeds. Applying a pre-emergent herbicide can help stop weeds from appearing. You may also want to install landscaping fabric to help stop weeds from appearing in your flower beds. Mulching is another great solution that often helps stop weeds.

Make these three New Year’s resolutions now and resolve to keep them throughout the coming year. While you may think that you can do it by yourself, people with the prettiest yards know that hiring landscaping services in Las Vegas, NV, is the key to succeeding.