Ways to Create Dog-Friendly Hedges When Landscaping in Las Vegas

When you’re landscaping in Las Vegas and you have pets, one of your priorities should be to make your yard as dog friendly as possible. Dogs tend to chew on a variety of things, including your hedges, and this can be incredibly dangerous to them if your hedges are poisonous. Here are five ways to make your hedges dog friendly.

1. Don’t Use Pesticides on Your Hedges

Maintaining a dog-friendly garden can be a challenging task for pet owners, especially when it comes to hedges. Some landscapes in Las Vegas use pesticides, and these can pose a significant risk to your furry friend’s health. Fortunately, there’s a simple solution when designing your own garden: don’t use pesticides at all! Here’s why.

Pesticides are chemicals that are designed to kill pests, such as insects, rodents, and weeds. While these chemicals can be effective at controlling unwanted pests, they can be harmful to your dog if ingested.

Pesticides can also be harmful to dogs if the pesticides touch their skin or if they inhale the chemicals. Exposure to pesticides can cause a range of other health problems in dogs, too, including skin irritation, vomiting, diarrhea, and even seizures. In extreme cases, exposure to pesticides can be fatal.

Instead of pesticides or harmful fertilizers, consider using natural pest control methods, such as companion planting or pruning. Companion planting involves growing certain plants next to each other that repel pests, while pruning can help remove any infested or diseased branches from your hedges. Introducing beneficial insects, such as ladybugs and lacewings, can also help control pests naturally.

2. Plant a Hedge That Isn’t Toxic to Your Dog

Another Las Vegas landscaping tip is to plant a hedge that isn’t toxic for your dog. Unfortunately, quite a few garden plants are toxic to dogs. If your dogs accidentally ingest these plants, they can become seriously ill or even die. Some of the most common toxic plants for dogs include azaleas, daffodils, and rhododendrons. Not only do they cause serious gastrointestinal issues, they can also cause a weakened heart rate. By planting a dog-friendly hedge, you can avoid these risks and create a safe space for your furry friend to roam.

When choosing a dog-friendly hedge, consider the plant’s size, shape, and texture. Some good options include holly, boxwood, and privet. These plants have a dense, compact form that makes them ideal for creating a barrier. They also have a non-toxic nature that makes them safe for dogs to be around. Need more landscaping in Las Vegas tips on which plants to grow? Don’t hesitate to contact us.

3. Avoid Hedges That Have Thorns

Ever seen your dog rub up against your hedge? Your dog may be relieving an itch or leaving its scent. If this sounds like your dog, then you should avoid hedges that have thorns. A hedge with thorns can pose a significant risk to your dog’s safety. If your dogs accidentally runs into a thorny hedge, they can sustain cuts and scratches that can lead to infections or other health issues.

In addition, dogs love to play and relax in their outdoor space, and a thornless hedge provides a safe and comfortable place for them to do so. Your furry friend will be able to run, jump, and play without worrying about getting hurt by sharp thorns. There are many beautiful plants that are thornless and safe for dogs, such as boxwood, Japanese holly, and barberry.

4. Make Sure Your Hedge Is High

Growing a tall hedge ensures you have a clear boundary for your dog. A tall hedge can create a defined barrier for them to play within. It can also give your dogs a sense of privacy and security, making them feel more comfortable and relaxed in their outdoor space.

A tall hedge can help to reduce outside distractions, such as noise or other animals, that can make your dog anxious or distracted. By creating a private and quiet space, your pets can relax and enjoy their outdoor time.

Another benefit of a tall hedge is that it can help to keep your dog safe. Dogs that are prone to wandering or escaping can be kept within the confines of the garden with a tall hedge. It also helps to keep other animals out, such as coyotes, that can pose a threat to your pet’s safety.

When you’re landscaping in Las Vegas, some good options for a tall hedge include Indian Laurel Columns, Golden bamboo, and Bottlebrush. These plants grow quickly and provide a natural barrier that can last for years.

5. Patch up Holes in Your Hedge

Patching up any holes in your hedge can create a safe and secure environment for your furry friend. Dogs can easily get into trouble when they wander off or escape from their garden, and a hole in a hedge can provide an easy escape route. By patching up any holes or gaps, you can prevent your pet from escaping and keep them safe within the confines of your garden.

Patching up holes in your hedge also helps to keep other animals out, such as skunks or raccoons, that can pose a threat to your pet’s safety. It also prevents other animals from getting into your garden and causing damage to your plants or property.

When patching up holes in your hedge, remember to use the right materials and techniques to ensure a proper fix. For small holes, you can use garden twine or wire to tie branches together and close the gap. For larger holes, you may need to use pruning shears to trim back any damaged or broken branches and then use garden wire or mesh to patch up the gap.

Landscaping in Las Vegas

When you need to create a dog-friendly hedge or garden for your home, we can help. Besides taking on Las Vegas landscaping projects, we also offer sprinkler repair services. Contact Wet-Tec and ask us about popular landscapes in Las Vegas, such as Xeroscaping and desert landscaping.