landscape las vegas - wild deer standing in front yard

Can Sprinklers Provide Water to Wildlife?

If you live within an area with high numbers of wildlife, then you have certainly seen them feeding. However, issues such as construction developments or droughts can push them into smaller areas, which, in turn, reduces the amount of food that’s available. You can help them remain healthy by using a sprinkler system to ensure they at least have access to water.

Watering Locations

No matter what type of sprinkler system you are choosing to use, you must ensure that all areas of the property are being watered thoroughly. This means that you will have to move your sprinkler system from one location to another on a daily basis. If you have a sprinkler system that is set to only water one area, you can contact a company that provides landscaping services in Las Vegas, NV, to find out what other options you have. This will help increase the size of the area needed to feed the animals properly.

Let Water in the Soil Settle

Because the soil needs time to absorb the water properly, you are going to want to let some areas dry off properly. This is because even if the soil is dry, that does not mean the water has fully reached down to its roots.

Move Around the Wildlife

No, we don’t mean picking up the deer around your plot. Moving around wild animals in this situation means not having them feed entirely on one section all the time. In fact, it is highly recommended to leave some areas alone for a good amount of time. This will help prevent animals from feeding on one area too much and, thus, damaging the soil. In the long run, you help the wild animals be less dependent on your water source and, thus, do not harm their hunting abilities.