Vegas landscape

Difference Between Drip Irrigation and Sprinkler Irrigation in a Vegas Landscape

As you consider what you would like when landscaping Las Vegas, you also need to consider the type of watering system to use. The two main watering systems are sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation systems. Both systems use different methods to supply water, and each system has its advantages and disadvantages. Here are the major differences between drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation for your Vegas landscape.

Sprinkler Irrigation

Sprinkler systems have overhead sprinkler heads on the surface that receive water supply from underground pipes. They are ideal for supplying water over a widespread area that requires a substantial amount of heart. You can set your sprinkler systems on a schedule timer to water the plants at the designated time.

Advantages of Sprinkler Irrigation System


Sprinkler systems are simple to use with easy installation. You only need a hose and sprinkler heads to set up the system. The equipment is very affordable too. After setting your system, you will set the time schedule to ensure your lawn is watered when you want to.

Cover Large Areas

Sprinkler irrigation systems can cover large areas with ease. Rain-bird or rotary sprinklers can supply a lot of water at once to a large lawn. You can also program the system to run a timer to water your yard when you want to.


The hoses in a sprinkler system are buried underground, meaning they are safe from lawnmowers and other hazards. A professional landscaper Las Vegas can install them for you properly to last longer. They are also less plugged or clogged with debris. Sprinkler systems are good for different types of soil.

Disadvantages of Sprinkler Systems

Water Wastage

One of the most significant disadvantages of sprinkler irrigation is wastage of water. Water is lost through runoff and evaporation, especially when there are strong winds. Water wastage can cost you a lot of money and lead to water shortage.

Risk of Invasive Weeds

Since water is supplied overhead over the whole lawn, a sprinkler system can increase the risk of invasive weeds.

Uneven Watering

Sprinkler systems can lead to uneven watering since they supply more water closer to the sprinklers and less water to areas further away. Plants with dense foliage can also block water from reaching the plants underneath them, which causes some plants to grow taller than others.

Less Water Penetration

Sprinkler irrigation systems mainly cover the surface area, and the water does not penetrate deep into the soil. It can take a long time before the water gets to the root system. This can affect the growth of plants as they can grow unhealthy. Sprinkler systems also wet the entire lawn, which makes it hard to garden due to the mud.

Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation is a water system that enables you to focus your watering on a particular garden area. It is also called the trickle irrigation system and dispenses water in a controlled manner. Drip irrigation uses a series of long plastic pipes installed low on the ground to ensure that less water is lost to evaporation and runoff. The pipes have openings that allow water to come out at regular intervals or depending on the design of your yard in your Las Vegas landscape.

Advantages of Drip Irrigation in Your Vegas Landscape

Water Conservation

Drip irrigation systems help to conserve water in two ways. First, the perforations on the drip pipes water only plants in your yard. It saves water by only watering the intended parts. Unlike the sprinkler system that sprays water randomly all over your garden, drip irrigation takes water where it’s needed the most.

Additionally, a drip irrigation system slowly supplies water to your plants, giving the soil more time to soak it in. This leads to less water runoff and deeper watering. Drip irrigation uses less water than sprinkler systems. Since the water is released slowly, it minimizes nutrient leeching and reduces soil erosion problems.

Maintains Your Gardening Routine

Unlike a sprinkler system, a drip irrigation system does not interrupt your gardening routine. Sprinkler systems sprinkle water randomly, leaving your garden muddy, which can discourage you from gardening. You may not be willing to kneel on muddy rows to do your weeding.

Moreover, plants are susceptible to diseases that can be spread by too much water in the garden. A drip irrigation system allows you to work in the garden while the plants are being watered without the inconvenience of muddy rows and the risk of disease.

Minimize Invasive Weeds

Since drip irrigation supplies water directly to the plants, it helps to keep the area surrounding the soil dry. This helps to deter the growth and spread of weeds between the plants. When using drip irrigation, you will have fewer weeds in your garden than when using sprinkler systems.

Boosts the Health of Your Plants

Drip irrigation releases water slowly and gradually to the plants. The water seeps down deep into the soil, allowing plants to find it below the surface. This enables the plants to develop a strong, healthy root system that boosts the plants’ overall health. A robust root system leads to stronger plants with better yields.

Minimizes Moisture

Many plant diseases can spread when there the garden has excess water. When your garden has excess moisture, diseases like mildews, fungal disease, and rots can occur frequently and spread quickly. Unlike, Sprinkler irrigation which splashes water over the plant’s foliage, drip systems channel water at the base of the plants where the roots can absorb it easily.

Even Watering

As the plants grow, they develop denser foliage which forms a canopy in various spots preventing water from sprinkler irrigation from getting to the plant’s roots. Drip irrigation applies water directly to the ground, and it’s not affected by canopy or foliage. This ensures that water is applied evenly to all the plants your landscape Las Vegas.

Disadvantages of Drip Irrigation

High Cost

Even though drip irrigation is more effective than other irrigation methods, it has a high cost of installation. The equipment required is expensive to purchase and requires a lot of time and labor to install, depending on the size of your garden. Drip systems will help you save water in the long run, but you will have a high initial cost.

Storage Space

After each season, you have to remove the drip systems and store them away to allow you to prepare your garden. The process of removing the whole system requires a lot of time and energy. You will also need ample storage space for the equipment where you will store it safely.


Your water supply can contain algae, debris, and mineral buildup, which can clog the holes or heads that release water, soaker hoses, or the PVC pipes. This can slow the water flow or block it entirely from reaching your plants. To prevent this, you will need to inspect your equipment from time to time and clean it often. You can also filter your water supply to avoid the issue from re-occurring.