Save Energy with Desert Landscaping in Las Vegas

Some of the most beautiful landscape design in Las Vegas is called desert landscaping. It includes flowering plants, greenery, cacti and succulents as well as gravel and rocks that require very little water to flourish. Not only does this type of landscaping require very little water, but it also requires very little maintenance. If you aren’t an avid gardener or don’t have time to be, desert landscaping may be your best option.

Some Things to Consider

Desert landscaping may require special consideration before you select the plants you want. Professional Las Vegas landscapers will consider the type of plants as well as the soil. Desert landscaping is not necessarily cacti, although many varieties are beautiful and give colorful blossoms. Oleander, purple sage and pampas grass are other plants that make a desert landscape look lush. A landscaper will know which plants can share soil and which need to stand alone.

Rock Formations and Indigenous Plants

Rocks can be arranged along pathways and as ornamental features to add interest to the garden. Hardscapes include retaining walls and stone pathways. By using indigenous plants in Las Vegas, you can virtually guarantee they will flourish because the plants are accustomed to the soil and become stronger than imported plants that require a lot of fertilizer and water.

Hardscapes built with concrete, brick or stone and add definition and organization to your yard. They may be winding paths, stone benches or natural-looking rock formations. Even in a desert landscape, you can have an oasis with a pond or waterfall that doesn’t require added water very often.

Landscaping Design that Saves Time and Money

Desert landscaping in Las Vegas is a good option for a home or business where water is scarce. It provides curb appeal for the home without unnecessarily using water that may be wasted by runoff. It is also a good option for people who don’t have time to take care of a garden but still want an attractive yard.